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Office of the AVP & CTO


Vulnerability Management Standard

Vulnerabilities are software bugs that threaten information assurance (i.e., confidentiality, integrity, and availability).

In other words, a vulnerability is a software bug that bad guys like to exploit in order to disrupt service, or gain access to systems and information. They’re bad news, and because they like them so much, the bad guys are always looking for new vulnerabilities to exploit. As such, a server that is considered secure today might be at risk tomorrow. Managing vulnerabilities is a critical part of regular server and service maintenance. Installing vendor patches and bug fixes in a timely manner, and implementing secure configurations are key steps towards preventing the bad guys from owning your server. The IT Security team helps you to ensure that your server is configured as securely as possible by letting you know if we find something that needs attention. We use the Vulnerability Management Standard Operating Procedure to alert you to missed patches, or if your TLS configuration needs to be updated.