Effective January 15, 2025: McMaster University is implementing two key changes to Microsoft storage limits that will impact all students, faculty, staff, and retirees. Click to read the announcement.
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Acceptable Use

Use of the McMaster University network is a privilege, as is the use of the computing and technology resources thereon.

These resources are intended to be used for activities that support the mission and vision of the University. But, sometimes you need to take a peek at last night’s hockey scores, or update your social network status. We get it, but we ask that you exercise good judgement when doing so. Never engage in online activities that would increase risk to McMaster resources, violate the rights of others, or violate University Policies or applicable laws. Protect your MacID password and access only the resources to which you have been explicitly given permission. If you notice that you are able to access something that you think should be off limits, let the IT Security team know and we’ll take a closer look.